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Given an URL that opens an iOS app, how do I make that into a functional icon on the iOS home screen?

Like many former Mint users who had to transition to Credit Karma, I am frustrated by how many steps it takes to get to the data I want to see. Recently Credit Karma sent me a promotional e-mail with ...
marciot's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Move set of open Safari windows/tabs to another Mac

I have a bunch of windows & tabs open in Safari. I want to view all the same windows and tabs on another Mac. ☞ Is there a set of URLs or bookmarks somewhere used by Safari to remember open ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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How do I export the URLs saved on an iPad homescreen?

Is there some way to export the URLs for all of the bookmarks added to my iPad's Home Screen (i.e. saved as icons on the home screen)? I want to export them as HTML/XML/CSV/text, not sync them to ...
IanH's user avatar
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Save the URL in Finder as a bookmark via Automator

Since the possibility to tag files in Mavericks, I save my bookmarks in Finder to be able to tag them and find them later more quickly. To do this I simply drag the URL in Safari to a my bookmarks ...
Mr.Eee's user avatar
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Simple app for URL bookmarking?

I'm looking for web service or an app (or whatever) for iphone 5 for bookmarking urls from google chrome or safari browser. I don't want to use bookmarks integrated into these browsers. Does anybody ...
user2148736's user avatar