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Questions tagged [wordpress]

For questions related to the WordPress CMS specific to macOS or iOS. Other questions about WordPress are off-topic, but might be asked at

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0 answers

Why iOS mobile doesn't open woocommerce links?

I am building a woocommerce website and dealing with a very strange problem on iOS mobile, when I click on a link (especially image of a product, its title, the header logo) on iOS mobile nothing ...
JIM's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR on 2 of my 3 WordPress sites but only from my MacBook Pro

I get the PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR error on two of my three WordPress sites when using current versions of Firefox and Safari on my late 2013 MacBook Pro, macOS 10.15.6. All three sites are hosted on the ...
Mark's user avatar
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0 answers

Safari on iOS won't load a page on my WordPress, only toplevel domain

I'm trying to text someone a page on my website. When I tested it the url in the text message was changed from to , the end of the url being ...
RottenFuji's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I force an image to use when a website is shared?

For instance when I link a URL in Google Chat, iMessage, etc. How do I determine what image, and what dimensions are used when a chat program generates a thumbnail for the link? Example: If I wanted ...
Phil Hanson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

macOS not resolving IP Address

I used a certain domain name temporarily to build a site on. The site has been moved to its own URL and now I want to use the same domain again for another site. I have set up the WP installation but ...
shak anwar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot login to WordPress related MySQL database from iTerm

I realized today I actually have two MySQL databases on my Mac OS X Sierra because when I log in to MySQL via iTerm, its not the same database as what I see via phpMyAdmin, but no matter what username ...
Daniel's user avatar
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0 answers

How to extract large .tar.gz file on FTP

So I have a .tar.gz wordpress backup file of size 1.6 GB. When I try to extract this file using FTP file manager, it partially extracts it.
Sagar Soni's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Photos not appearing under Media->Photos in file upload dialog box (Chrome)

Ok i have a new Mac. New Mac user here. I have a samsung phone and have imported photos from my phone onto my Mac (I assume they are in the filesystem now). When i open "Photos" application i can see ...
billy jean's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Installing WordPress on Mac OS X Server

I have a Mac Mini with Yosemite OS X Server, i would like to install WordPress and Magento on the server and use it for local development before I push my completed sites to the live server with the ...
iSrini's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Getting a 403 Forbidden error when I try to log in on the Wordpress iOS app

I'm using Automattic's iOS app for Wordpress and I'm trying to log-in for the first time to my site. I clicked the "add self-hosted site" option and put in the username, password and my self-hosted ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Phone numbers different color on iOS wordpress

We have a newly created website, with lots of contact information for different employees. The color of the phone numbers in the website are all in black, except for when viewed on an iOS device, ...
Macmaniman's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is there a free wordpress client for mac?

I am a new Mac user and a casual blogger. All the applications listed are expensive, as I am a student. I am scared to set up Wordpress natively on my MacBook Air. Something like the wordpress app on ...
Vipin Rai's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to disable Cmd + [Num] in Safari

I use WordPress keyboard shortcuts a lot, but Safari's use of Cmd + [Num] (e.g. 1, 2, 3) is overriding WordPress' use (which formats text with tags). How can I disable Safari's use of the keyboard ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 141
42 votes
1 answer

What causes OS X to mark a folder as Quarantined?

I had a folder under ~/Sites, let's call it Foo, from which I was sharing a Wordpress site-in-development via Apache. This was working fine, I'd mapped foo.local to in my hosts file and was ...
Dan J's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Importing WordPress Codex as a dictionary into the Dictionary app

I'm an avid WordPress developer, and I'm constantly referring to the Wordpress Codex to look up various functions. I recently got a new 2013 MBP, and I just found the glorious "three finger tap to ...
Thought Space Designs's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is there any way to globally or -- at least persistently -- kill OnSwipe for iPad browsing?

So, web browsing on the iPad has its quirks and drawbacks, but the one that stands head and shoulders above all others for me is the abomination that is OnSwipe, and especially its incarnation as a ...
walkytalky's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Mac blogging client similar to Windows Live Writer

Can someone suggest a really good blogging client for Mac OS? I am looking for something having similar functionality like Windows Live Writer (on Windows). Blog details: WordPress (installed on ...
Sash's user avatar
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3 votes
8 answers

Is there any decent Wordpress blogging client for Mac?

On Windows I used to blog to Wordpress using Microsoft Word 2010 blog feature, but the Mac version is missing this feature. I am looking for alternatives, preferably free ones. If you specify a ...
sorin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why does OS X's Apache server give different results using real and virtual addresses?

I'm developing a WordPress site on my Mac, running OS X 10.6.4. I'm using OS X's built-in Apache server to run the site locally during development. I've set up WordPress and connected it to OS X's ...
Gabe's user avatar
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