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Questions tagged [shortcuts-app]

An Apple application that allows users to create custom automations that use multiple steps across a wide variety of Apple and 3rd-party apps.

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How to display how much time is left till next alarm goes off using Shortcuts?

One of the things I miss coming from Android to iOS is that in Android's Clock app, it displays how much time is left till the next alarm goes off, and when I enable an alarm, a little notification ...
stockunderflow's user avatar
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2 answers

In Shortcuts, how do I add a file name when executing from the command line?

I created a shortcut that does some processing of images using Pixelmator. The first action is Get contents of folder myfolder and then the processing begins. This processing works fine, but now I ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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AppleScript/Shortcuts Question

I would like to create two shortcuts: The first should be a shortcut that copies a file from one folder (duplicate, not cut) and pastes it in another. The second one should be able to delete the ...
Sahil Singh's user avatar
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Why am I getting “Unable to Run JavaScript on Web Page” in Apple Shortcuts, even though my script works?

I am trying the “Run JavaScript on Web Page” action in Apple Shortcuts with this simple script: alert("test"); completion(result); The alert fires and shows a message. However, I keep ...
Tugrul Ates's user avatar
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Using literal strings in custom date format in iOS Shortcuts app

I’m attempting to create a shortcut that uses the input of a the date like 2024-Wk37. I’ve looked at Unicode Technical Standard #37 and a whole host of examples, but I can’t get this to work without ...
Aquarion's user avatar
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Send UTF-8 to sed through Run Shell Script in

Problem I want a Shortcut to convert text with diacritical characters like café to ASCII text like cafe, using sed. Here’s a simplified example: sed -e 'y/é/e/' This runs fine in Terminal. But when I ...
Michael Zajac's user avatar
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How to create ios shortcut that opens deeplink to Health data

A friend monitoring a health condition wants to regularly check the Heart rate minute by minute data on Apple Health on their iPhone but this requires multiple clicks and scrolls until “show all data” ...
Judy D's user avatar
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iPhone shortcut: How to add and display a contact

I’m trying to add a contact, when I use the Add New Contact action, a popup with fields is shown, but once you press done, it disappears. What I’m trying to figure out is how to: Add a new contact ...
TheRealFakeNews's user avatar
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Why does "Get Items from Pocket" shortcut action fail with "Bad Request"?

Since upgrading to iOS 18, my existing shortcut that retrieves items from Pocket fails with "Bad Request", and any new shortcut I build with the "Get Items from Pocket" action ...
Matthew Leidholm's user avatar
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How to set orientation lock only when an app is opened?

I would like the portrait-only orientation lock to be automatically turned on when I open Safari, but I would like to still be able to turn it off manually. I added an Automation in Shortcuts for this:...
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How to copy text from Books without "Excerpt from..."

On iOS, how can I copy some text from a book (in the default Books app) directly? If I select Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to ...
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Grant Shortcuts permission to save file to folder

I have a Shortcut which processes images as a Quick Action. The Shortcuts ends with: Set name of [Converted File] to [Name.heic] Save [Renamed Item] to [Specific Folder] (Overwrite If File Exists) ...
deceze's user avatar
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Can a shortcut know which automation triggered it?

I have created a shortcut that logs the current location, and set up automations on my iPhone that trigger this shortcut when I arrive at and leave from certain locations. This works fine, except that ...
Ture Pålsson's user avatar
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MacOS Shortcut using Shell Script exit status

If I use a "Run Shell Script" action, and then drag an "If" beneath it... it seems it's only able to interact with "Shell Script Result", which I think is any terminal ...
RCross's user avatar
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How to automate something to happen after phone has been turned off for 5 minutes?

I would like to add an automation to my iPhone that sets the volume to 0 when the phone is turned on, if it's been longer than 5 minutes since the phone was last on. I thought there would be "...
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Batch modify metadata for local music files in the macOS Apple Music app using regex

I would like to batch modify metadata for local music files (mainly AAC in m4a, with some mp3) in my local music library from the macOS Apple Music app using regex. Specifically, I'd like to retitle ...
XDR's user avatar
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Shortcuts and metadata - How to copy and paste metadata from one photo/video to another using shortcuts app?

Can’t find answer to this anywhere! Using the shortcuts app, is there a way to automate the process of taking metadata (or at least location, date, time) from a photo/video and pasting it into another ...
Hiroyuki Mori's user avatar
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In Shortcuts, how can I convert a time in plain text into a date?

I want to be able to write a text like "155pm" and have that get turned into a date and then into an alarm on the same day with that time. I tried the set of actions shown below (link to ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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IOS shortcut to delete messages based on content

Please help! For many months now I receive spam messages (SMS) almost daily from two sources, each with a clear identifyer. I would need an IOS shortcut for my iPhone that runs - preferably ...
JohanVS's user avatar
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ipadOS: navigating apple shortcuts app list/menus with the keyboard?

I've written a working shortcut that I run via the spotlight search. It prompts for inputs via a series of list action menus. They all work fine, but on my ipad they seem to be touch only. The ...
xero's user avatar
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Microsoft outlook client can't do cmd + ` window switching

I've got a new Mac and have installed Version 16.87.2 Microsoft Outlook However, while other apps allow ⌘ + ` to switch windows of the same app, Outlook doesn't! Is there any fix to solve this? I ...
Code42's user avatar
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Karabiner-Elements ignore input source

Is there a way to send same keycode with different input source languages with Karabiner-Elements complex modification rules? I want to send ? (questionmark) symbol with same keyboard shortcut using ...
webdev4422's user avatar
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How to make deep links to iOS settings for reminders, without passing them through a shortcut?

Right now I have a reminder in the Reminders app with a URL attached, that passes in this deep link: prefs:root=DO_NOT_DISTURB* to the do not disturb section in the settings app, to a shortcut so the ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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3 answers

Applescript: Batch Rename Songs in Apple Music

The other day, I was downloading a playlist from youtube with yt-dlp (I recommend, it's the best up-to-date cli yt batch downloader out there.). I then renamed the files with python, which was fine, ...
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How to list calendar events containing certain word?

I prefer to text dates and times of events containing certain word within date range. A shortcut called “Calendar to PDFs” didn’t work entirely because it listed only first month of date range. ...
panes-rubrics's user avatar
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Attempting to access the "Shortcuts" gallery insists I connect to the Internet, but I already am connected

I want to use the Shortcuts app on macOS 14.5. Currently, it is completely empty. When I click on the "Gallery" option on the left side of the app, I get a panel telling me to "Connect ...
Pointy's user avatar
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Find Notes returning notes that don’t match filter when filtering on folder

I’m trying to find all notes in a folder that have a specific string in the body. I have this step but it’s returning notes that don’t match. In the screenshot below, the word Imgur is not anywhere in ...
IMTheNachoMan's user avatar
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macOS Shortcut to hide folder

I'm trying to create a shell script shortcut in the Shortcuts app that can hide folders in macOS (because tons of apps annoyingly create folders in the user Documents folder). This is what I have: It ...
gills's user avatar
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Smart Keyboard like Unicode character with built-in functionality such as iPhone shortcut? [closed]

To reduce screen footprint, I need to shorten date and timestamp. Example is January or shortest as Jan is more ambiguous compared to single character ㋀ for Chinese literates. I prefer built-in ...
panes-rubrics's user avatar
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How to use Shortcuts app to mute/unmute MS Teams from anywhere (globally)?

The standard keybinding for MS Teams mute toggle is ⌘ShiftM. However, it only works if Teams is the current focussed application. So when I'm working on a document or typing notes in another app, I ...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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How can I make a shortcut in on a Mac/iPhone continue the rest of the flow even if one task failed?

I'm working on a shortcut using the Mac/iPhone Shortcut app, and I need some help. My shortcut consists of multiple tasks, but I've run into an issue. If one of the tasks fails, the entire shortcut ...
Nizar Yousri's user avatar
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How to close an ios app using shortcuts or stop app playing

I am using ios 17.1 Sometimes I fall asleep with a TV show playing on my iPhone then I am awakened hours later at a noisy part of the show because it autoplayed next few episodes. Being awakened is ...
Judy D's user avatar
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How can I start recording a video with as few actions as possible on my iPhone?

While that might sound like an easy question to answer, unfortunately it's not. I have an iPhone 6s running iOS 15.8.2. The most obvious thing to do is with the screen locked, swipe left and start ...
Stelios Adamantidis's user avatar
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To quit Safari instead of closing its window

I have a Safari window on my Mac with multiple tabs. If I press Command-W or click the red Close button instead of pressing Command-Q, the next time I click the Safari icon in the Dock, the tabs are ...
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Shortcut Input from Spotlight

How can one write a shortcut that receives input from Spotlight search GUI (e.g. command+space)? I'd like to press command+space and type "ticket 12345", then have the shortcut generate the ...
EricB's user avatar
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How can I edit a photo in a shortcut before sharing it

I have a shortcut that snaps the screen and shares via WhatsApp. However if I try to crop the image in WhatsApp before sending, the screen ‘glitches’ and the crop is discarded. The same happens if I ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How can I get the "Dictate text" action in a Shortcut to wait longer for the user to speak?

In a set of workflows I'm developing, I pause the workflow to wait for the user to do something and wait for the user to speak certain keywords. The step to wait for the user to speak uses the Dictate ...
mhucka's user avatar
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Can a value or text string inside a Shortcut be changed by an external mechanism (e.g., a script)?

Our team is creating Shortcuts to automate some procedures. Those Shortcuts will evolve as we find bugs and release new versions. I would like to put information about the version of a given Shortcut ...
mhucka's user avatar
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Can macOS add a torn edge to images in clipboard?

I'd like to be able to add torn edges to images in the clipboard on my Mac. I do a lot of documentation and having the ability to add a torn edge around a screen shot helps the people that try to ...
Curious User's user avatar
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How can I delete pre-installed iPhone shortcuts?

I opened the Shortcuts app for the first time, and I seem to have 38 pre-installed shortcuts: I want to get rid of many of these (e.g., those for Apple Watch, which I will never have, and that for ...
KnowItAllWannabe's user avatar
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MacOS Shortcuts - Restore previous Focus mode after switching to Do Not Disturb

I'm trying to build a Shortcut for switching to Do Not Disturb for a given number of minutes. Afterwards, the previous Focus mode should be restored. For example, I have a mode called "Work"....
Dennis H's user avatar
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Invoking shortcut via Siri overrides dictation language specification

When I activate a shortcut using Siri, the language specification in the Dictation action appears to be ignored, causing the Dictation to use the phone's default language rather than the one specified....
BulletCatcher's user avatar
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Shortcuts - Run Shell Script - error with unix socket

Issue: Shortcuts app can't seem to talk directly to a unix socket. I get this error, "Error: Custom { kind: NotFound, error: "no socket found" }" when configured to execute: /usr/...
Hefeweizen's user avatar
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iOS 14, can Airplane Mode be automated without confirmation?

Apple's website claims that Wifi is one category of shortcuts which can be run without requiring confirmation of the user. But this does not seem to be the case for me, in iOS 14. I want to enable ...
JVC's user avatar
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How do I open an iphone app and tap an item hands free?

I'm trying to find the best way to open an 3rd-party iOS radio app, and tap a preset station to play, hands free (I drive a ton). I'm picturing "Siri, ~shortcut name~". -I'm new to ios ...
sbimos's user avatar
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Delete emails from specific senders after 30 days using Shortcuts

I have some senders (like Amazon) whose emails lose relevance after 30 days for me. I am trying to write a Shortcuts that can search for emails from those senders and delete them after 30 days. I ...
Naveen's user avatar
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How to open different menus depending on which app is frontmost?

I am trying to create something that opens different menus depending on which app is frontmost. For example If I run it while InDesign is frontmost, I want it to open a menu containing the options &...
JoeReMi's user avatar
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How to view Shortcut steps when a company firewall blocks importing shared Shortcuts

Is there a website, app or API that I can use to view the contents of a shared iPhone shortcut, and manually enter the steps when my company firewall blocks directly importing the Shortcut?
vorear's user avatar
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Reading Command Line Arguments for Shortcut

Problem: I want to run a Shortcut from the command line that outputs a list of reminders that have a specific tag e.g. shortcuts run ReminderTag <<< "myTag". However, I'm unable to ...
naafiyan's user avatar
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Get Current Timer shortcut now working as intended on WatchOS

I am trying to create a Shortcut that sets a timer based on an input and then retrieve the duration of the timer using the Get Current Timer action (see image below). However, it appears that the Get ...
rkshthrmsh's user avatar

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