Linked Questions

8 votes
4 answers

Downgrading from iOS 7 to a recent full backup of iOS 6.1.3 [duplicate]

I have a device (iPhone 4S) that is running iOS 7, but I was wondering: Is it possible to restore a full backup of the same device running iOS 6.1.3. I'm not worried about losing data from the iOS 7, ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Can I undo the upgrade to iOS 7 by restoring to iOS 6.1.3? [duplicate]

I recently attempted to follow this tutorial to upgrade my device (iPhone 4) to iOS 7 without being a developer or registering a UDID. I loaded and installed iOS 7 and got to the configuration ...
cbbcbail's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Upgrade iPad to newer (but not latest) iOS [duplicate]

How do I upgrade my iPad 3 from iOS 5.1 to 7.x (now when the latest version is >8)?
salle's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to downgrade iPhone 4S from iOS 9.0.1 to iOS 7.1.2? [duplicate]

(Please read the whole question before flaming me) Today I updated my iPhone 4S (Model A1387) to iOS 9.0.1 from 8.4. Since the Wifi doesn't work with either of these versions I decided to downgrade ...
LostPhysx's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Some apps won't run after upgrade to iOS 7.1, how to fix? [duplicate]

I update to the newest 7.1 yesterday. Now some of my apps will not open. Is there a way to delete this update?
Judi's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Restore from "iOS7 backup" to an iOS6 phone [duplicate]

A friend upgraded my device to iOS7. It didn't work properly so I downgraded it a few days later to iOS6. I have backups both in iCloud and on OS X (iTunes). When I try to restore either I get a ...
user52329's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can you update an iPhone 4 on iOS 6.1.2 to 7.0.6 using an IPSW file? [duplicate]

So I have an iPhone 4 that's been happily jailbroken on iOS 6.1.2 for a while now, but I want to upgrade to 7.0.6. I downloaded the IPSW for it and shift-clicked on update, but I get the error 'The ...
user80180's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can I upgrade my iOS using the iTunes restore, but not to the latest version? [duplicate]

Right now, the latest version of iOS is 9.1. Mine is 8.1.2. Can I use the restore option in iTunes to install version 9.0.2 or do I have to update to 9.1 and then downgrade to 9.0.2?
Sharon Dorot's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Downgrade from iOS 7.02 for iPhone 4 [duplicate]

I'm the owner of iPhone 4. Is there any possible way to downgrade from 7.02 to one of the previous firmware versions? The whole point is I don't have and have never had SHSH blobs and have never ...
littlenimrod's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Upgrade to an unsigned version of iOS - possible or not? [duplicate]

I have an iPhone 5s (A1453). It is currently running iOS 9.x. I need to upgrade it to iOS 11.x to perform testing of apps on this particular iOS version/device combination. I've read couple of ...
Serhii Litnevskyi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Update iPad 3 iOS 5.1.1 to 7.0.4 not 7.1? [duplicate]

I have iPad 3 iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken. I now want to update to 7.0.4 or 7.0.6 but can NOT figure out how. (7.1.1 is currently the official update) Manual updates thru iTunes to a 7.0.6 restore file ...
user76599's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Can I downgrade my Ipod4 running IOS 6.1.6 to IOS 5.1.1 then upgrade to 6.0? [duplicate]

So I've been wanting to jailbreak for about a good 3 years now (Yes, I am a failure) and have found it near impossible to jailbreak ios 6.1.6 . Now, I have an iPod4 with ios 5.1.1 (but it is my ...
Roke's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Restoring iOS 7.1 to iOS 7.0.4 [duplicate]

I'm trying to Downgrade my iPhone 5s from iOS 7.1 to iOS 7.0.4. I have been looking at tutorials, and found this one Downgrading iOS 7.1 with iTunes It worked up until the last step. My iPhone ...
SimplicityiOS's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do i upgrade my Ipad to a specific software without a computer? [duplicate]

I have an Ipad that has ios 9.3.3 as the software version and i need your help because i want to update only to ios 11 and to update to ios 12, it says i need a computer so I need your help
Kurt's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Update iPhone NOT to latest version [duplicate]

I have an iPhone 4s with an iOS 7.1. I wish to update my phone to iOS 8 or 8.1 because most apps only support 8 or higher. I do not however want to update to the latest version supported on the 4s (...
A. P. Walaberry's user avatar

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