I got my Mid-2105 15" MacBook Pro a year or two back. It worked great, and I even got a free battery replacement from Apple. However a few days ago it was dropped on the floor. At first, the Mac was not taking touch pad input and most of the keyboard (although at least some functions keys worked) wasn't working, even after restarting.
However, a bit later the keyboard and touch pad started working again. At that point I noticed that the screen was "flashing". Basically the image on the display would randomly flash to some point below on the screen, then flash back to it's normal position, and so on. This flashing happens as soon as the Apple logo is displayed at startup, and applies even to the dead battery logo.
I Googled the symptoms, but all of the results seemed to be for software issues, not hardware. I might've gone to the Genius bar, but they're all closed due to the pandemic, and with everyone quarantined at home, now is not a great time for the computer to not function.
I also noticed that when you look closely, there are also random pixels that get turned on to full brightness after the screen flashes.
So please, if anyone has any idea of went wrong or how to fix it, I'd really appreciate it. I do have some very basic experience in opening up mobile devices, so if a fix isn't too far out of my realm I might give at try.
Here is a video of the problem in action.