I've had this issue over multiple iterations of OS. This began for me in High Sierra, followed into Mojave, and now into Catalina. I finally figured I'd deal with it. I've tried everything I've found currently, and nothing works.

I've done the following.

  1. Deleted everything in my Keychain folder and rebooted.

  2. Deleted the entire /Library/Keychain folder itself, and rebooted.

  3. Tested another profile, which did work, however it doesn't help me aside from knowing something's messed up with my profile.

Any other ideas before I blow this profile away? This is a work laptop so it'll be a pain to get this back to normal working order.


1 Answer 1


The Touch ID problem is related to Keychain.

I went through the following steps (from this Apple Community question) and it worked for me (I am also on Catalina):

  1. Open Finder.
  2. In the menu bar, click Go once so the dropdown menu appears.
  3. Hold down the Option key. You will see a Library folder appear in the list under the Go tab.
  4. Open library.
  5. Drag Keychains folder into the trash.

You will have to re-enter all keychain passwords, but the Touch ID will work.

  • Pleas provide the answer her. Links do disappear
    – mmmmmm
    Commented Sep 9, 2020 at 12:00

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