I have a pair of headphones with an AntLion ModMic (https://antlionaudio.com) that I use for making VoIP calls with a soft phone. Everything is working properly with one small caveat -- I can't hear audio from the microphone in my headphones.
Audio input is coming from the AntLion through a Plantronics USB adapter. Audio output is coming from a USB DAC to my Sony headphones. So separate inputs and outputs.
When I use a single USB headset, the microphone audio is blended in with what I hear in the headphones and I'd like to do the same thing with the two separate sources.
The only solution I have found is to use SoundSource (http://www.rogueamoeba.com/soundsource/) and use the audio play through feature. Not the end of the world, but I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions.
Thanks in advance!