I have HAYLOU S35 ANC, which are bluetooth headphones without a microphone. I used it well before, however yesterday I used another mic with my laptop, a professional one, which I connected through a sound card, and I needed manually change input in the settings. My headphones were also connected (bluetooth). After that, when I pair my headphones with the laptop, macOS automatically sets Audio input to the headset, even though it doesn't have a mic :( so now every time I pair I have to manually set audio input back to the laptop mic, otherwise the sound is awful.

I also recently discovered that when I pair with my iPhone, I can't record audio, like the iPhone is also expecting the audio input to go through the headset. It happened several days before I the macOS bug happened, however it looks connected.

I'm trying to figure out whether it's macOS / iOS bug, or the headphones. But in any case,

the main question: is there a way to force macOS to use specific audio input for a specific audio device, without using a third-party software? In example, if HAYLOU headset is connected, then set Audio output to HAYLOU, and Audio input to MacBook.

MacBook Air M1 2020, macOS Sonoma 14.1.1

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


You can try to create a Bluetooth device profile for your HAYLOU headset in macOS to remember these settings.

Go to System Preferences > Bluetooth, right-click on your HAYLOU headset, and select "Add to Favorites".

This may help..

  • Thank you for your reply. There's no option "Add to Favorites" when right-clicking on a Bluetooth device, only "Rename / Disconnect / Forget"
    – voljinn
    Commented Apr 24 at 13:57

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