I want to understand committing to using iCloud given my particular needs, which to date I totally avoid except for "find my mac." Consequences, gotchas, costs - both money and time, an upgrade tread mill trap, etc. E.G. "useful" trumps unicorns and rainbows.
I'm reading icloud questions and much of it is old. That's minute details anyway, I need a bigger picture with relevant detail to make sure I'm not screwing myself in some way.
Cause for Pause
The nuclear option: if I disconnect from iCloud everything iClouded on that device is deleted. That. sounds. bad. Like no backing out, ever?! It seems like any backup recovery puts the computer back to a wired-to-the-cloud state.
Buggy iCloud? When first introducted iCloud was quickly turned off by Apple, people fired, and months of rework preceeded a re-introduction of iCloud. Pervasive glitches in the nooks and crannies due to sheer complexity?
Convoluted processes: Might customizing (or the lack thereof) iCloud doom me to a lifetime of jumping thru hoops thus making the whole thing not worth it?
Vague security and privacy concerns: synching via public WiFi hotspots. iCloud means no air gap (yeah, the "air gap" myth). General iCloud security, "ownership", what Apple does w/ iClouded stuff.
Unforseen show stoppers due to hardware, software, personal-needs differences.
Synergy and benefits I'm simply unaware of.
General mindset: Living fully wired/connected 24/7? I'm just not feeling it. But obviously I would not have made this post if I was absolutely against alien technology; no conspiracy theorist, I.
My Landscape
- 2008 iMac that cannot upgrade beyond El Capitan
- MPB 2011 on Sierra
- iPod on iOS 10.2
- MacBook Air 2015 model on Sierra
- Keep the iMac beyond mere inconvenience.
- I locally backup all my computers. iPod is backed up on iTunes.
- Different people
- MacBook Air, let's call it "ID1"
- All other devices, collectively call it "ID2"
- I've read threads about separate AppleIDs. Use a common ID for purchases, separate IDs for all else. But that needs some tweaking; see below
- Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) functions.
- Reliably synch calendar and contacts across all devices
- ID1, ID2: separate email, browser history/bookmarks
- Photos
- Decades of photos - Is it all or nothing?
- Sharing and syncing photos behind our household firewall is all I really need; I think.
- I don't know if I completely grock iCloud implications of "camera roll" vis-a-vis "photo stream". I think of my photo "library" as one thing.
- No iPhone
- iCloud/iOS gotchas because an iPod is not an iPhone. EVERYTHING is iPhone centric now.
- Don't ask. I'm a kool-aide drinking Apple fan boy since pre-Macintosh yet I choose to no longer have an iPhone. iPhone 6 jump the shark pricing + provider pricing + engineered upgrading + reality check = the total cost of ownership last straw.
- Unnecessary $$$ for unnecessary storage
- I don't need instant
iPhotoPhotos synching? - I backup my computers at home.
- I don't need instant
- iTunes
- I'm old school. I "own" my music. I don't subscribe to Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, etc.
- "match my music" doesn't make sense from my perspective. But I'm open to new concepts.
- iCloud induced creeping storage costs, crippled functionality, other?