I was trying to use the iOS7 simulator in El Capitan in Xcode 6.4, deleted it, reinstalled it etc. Part of that was dragging iOS 7.1.simruntime
from /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes
to Trash. Now I want to empty the Trash and it does not work.
Open Trash, click "Empty": "The operation can’t be completed because the item “iOS 7.1.simruntime” is in use"
mba7:.Trash fsc$ rm -rf iOS\ 7.1.simruntime rm: iOS 7.1.simruntime/System/Library/Receipts/com.apple.pkg.iPhoneSimulatorSDK7_1.bom: Operation not permitted rm: iOS 7.1.simruntime/System/Library/Receipts/com.apple.pkg.iPhoneSimulatorSDK7_1.plist: Operation not permitted rm: iOS 7.1.simruntime/System/Library/Receipts: Operation not permitted rm: iOS 7.1.simruntime/System/Library: Directory not empty rm: iOS 7.1.simruntime/System: Directory not empty rm: iOS 7.1.simruntime: Directory not empty mba7:.Trash fsc$
- Terminal: "sudo"
mba7:.Trash fsc$ sudo rm -rf iOS\ 7.1.simruntime ... same error
- "lsof" (output manually wrapped)
mba7:.Trash fsc$ sudo lsof | grep "simruntime" com.apple 743 root txt REG 1,4 58608 21307311 /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/ iOS 8.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot /usr/lib/system/host/liblaunch_sim.dylib
I already restarted several times, tried to change permissions etc.
What other steps can I take to get rid of the files?