Just recently I noticed my battery life having a pretty significant drop and the "kernel_task" process using quite a bit of CPU (a constant 1-6% on my 2.8ghz dual-core i7, 2010 MBP). Obviously I think the kernel_task's CPU usage is contributing to the battery drop and I need to find out why.

Searching Google, it seems kernel_task is OS X's version of Windows's "svchost.exe" - the notorious do-everything process that you can't ever truly debug, you have to just manually flip switches until one of them works.

Is there any way I can more easily get to the bottom of the out-of-control kernel_task activity? I haven't tried a reboot because if that does "fix" it, it doesn't really fix the underlying problem.

Activity Monitor shows the CPU usage. When I hit Inspect, it shows 77 threads, 2 ports, hours and hours of CPU time, Context Switches going up about 400 per second, and Mach Messages In and Out both going up at about 6,000 per second.

How can I somehow inspect or monitor this kernel_task process and figure out what's actually using all this power?

(note: my current suspects are the recent 10.6.7 update, Firefox update from 4 beta 10 to RC, or ScreenResX - these are all things I've done recently that I can think of)

  • I would not describe kernel_task as out of control. Activity Monitor may be not the best utility for diagnoses in this area. In Console, add system log queries to help you identify the ways in which kernel task is used; then refine the opening question to one that may be more easily answered. Commented Mar 31, 2012 at 8:07
  • 1
    Constant 200% CPU sounds pretty out of control for any process.
    – twe4ked
    Commented Oct 21, 2012 at 3:27

12 Answers 12


I had a similar question about how to identify files and programs connected to kernal_task using the following terminal command:

kextstat -l -k | awk '{n = sprintf("%d", $4); print n, $6}' | sort -n

This will display various kexts and the memory associated with them. For example, 6184960 com.apple.driver.AirPort.Brcm4360 is a big hog for me, but I can't do much about it if I want to use wifi.

One of the suggestions I received was to look up all non-Apple kexts are taking up memory by piping the above to grep -v com.apple. It's possible that some non-Apple programs are using up your resources. You should be able to remove those without breaking anything.

The age old solution of course is to restart your computer. Sometimes that's all it takes to set processes back to their normal levels of CPU usage.

  • what is the number in the first column?
    – Anentropic
    Commented Oct 19, 2016 at 10:56
  • @Anentropic - try man kextstat, looking at that and the awk command grabbing $4, it looks like the size of the kext memory usage. Makes sense considering the question.
    – rebusB
    Commented Nov 5, 2017 at 15:47
  • 1
    Thanks @intcreator. Turning off wifi dropped my kernal_task cpu usage to 0. Commented Jul 21, 2021 at 23:40

Here is a great explanation what a kernel_task is. It could be drivers (kexts), network or disk activity. You cannot simply use Instruments to attach to the kernel_task process.

Look for other signs, like logs (Console.app), disk activity (for example: iotop fs_usage), network activity (try disconnecting from local network, turning off devices in network preferences), try to uninstall/remove from memory (kextunload) drivers, which are from third party - tablets, usb 3g modems and etc. Check for applications, that are installing kexts

Also make sure that your file system is not corrupted, if you had any crashes recently - do a check.

  • 1
    I had ~200% CPU usage (2 out of 4 cores) almost constantly, usually starting after a boot when transferring files or something similar, but not returning back to normal afterwards. The reason turned out to be that my system volume needed repairing. Once that was done, kernel_task was back to sane levels of activity. Commented Jun 24, 2012 at 10:41
  • 1
    The link in the answer is now dead
    – Swader
    Commented Apr 3, 2015 at 10:37
  • 1
    @Santa Thanks for the suggested edit regarding the link, but there's no point removing the link when a version exists on the Wayback Machine. Replace link with link to Wayback Machine.
    – grg
    Commented May 2, 2015 at 19:21

As mentioned by @Christopher, heat can cause the kernel_task CPU to spike. The reason is listed in this post “Fixing” kernel_task CPU Problems in MacOS Lion 10.7. Apparently when the CPU heats up the ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext will take up CPU cycles in an attempt to reduce actual CPU load.

So one solution is to cool down your Mac (e.g. fan) through an external fan or something like SMCFanControl.

The article give another solution which is to remove the sub-kext that triggers that behavior. Though I must admit I am personally not sure about how safe it is to turn that behavior off.

  • 2
    I am going to hazard a guess that this is the reason for the majority of kernel_task making sustained high CPU usage. Every time it happened for me, I am using my machine pretty heavily and it would start to lag, but none of the obvious processes I was using were causing the spike, just kernel_task. Shutdown the heavy processes (videos or games, usually) and eventually it goes away. Meanwhile my 2011 MBP sounds like it is going to lift off! Cracked it open and gave it a good clean, removed the dust blankets on the heatsinks and I was back in business with low fan and no kernel_task crazy.
    – Joey T
    Commented May 20, 2015 at 16:47

Usually kernel_task is out-of-control when some other processes are overusing system calls or resources (memory or disk I/O events).

When this happens, you can use fs_usage reporting utility which will show you system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity in real-time.

So run this command in Terminal:

sudo fs_usage

then observe which processes are frequently doing some system calls and if you're not using them, consider closing/killing them.

To be more specific, please check the TIME INTERVAL column which gives you elapsed time spent in the system call. A W appearing after elapsed time indicates the process was scheduled out activity (in that case the elapsed time includes the wait time).

So in order to filter the processes which are using the most time interval in the system calls, run:

sudo fs_usage | grep -v 0.0000

which will show you in the last column the most hungry processes (in terms of kernel time). You may adjust number of zeros for precision (less zeros displayed, more time spent).

For more ideas, also check: How to investigate high kernel task memory usage?

Here are the most common issues:

  • 2
    Good a reasonable output stream after filtering out iTerm2 and grep itself: sudo fs_usage | grep -v -e '0.0000' -e 'iTerm2' -e 'grep'
    – Joel Purra
    Commented Apr 26, 2018 at 18:23

I had a massive spike in kernel_task CPU usage, and it turned out that my CPU fan was partially unplugged. kernel_task has something to do with the throttling of the CPU when it gets too hot. In your case, maybe your fan is just gummed up with junk and dust and needs to be cleaned out.

  • That's crazy! Did you ever check your logs when debugging this? How did you come to that solution?
    – Ricket
    Commented Mar 1, 2012 at 15:41

To troubleshoot out-of-control kernel_task specifically, here are some useful commands:

  • Profile entire system, focusing on the kernel process (PID: 0), run:

    sudo spindump 0 -reveal

    For specific process (like launchd), use sample, e.g. sudo sample launchd or by PID.

  • To gather memory consumption by kernel task, use (sorted by dirty by default):

    sudo footprint 0

    Note: Use -a to target all the processes.

  • To gather system-wide diagnostic information from multiple utils, run: sudo sysdiagnose.

    This can be also triggered by hitting Shift-Control---. (period).

    You should see the screen flashed when started, then wait few minutes until the file is revealed in Finder.

    See: How do you get system diagnostic files from OS X?

    Then uncompress and check the files such as footprint*.txt, spindump.txt, taskinfo.txt, bc_stats.txt and other.

  • Check vm.swapusage in kernel states, e.g. sysctl -a | grep ^vm.swapusage.

    Basically, more swap you use (check the swap files in /private/var/vm which are managed by dynamic_pager, see: man dynamic_pager), the more kernel struggling with the performance due to Swapins/Swapouts operations (see man vm_stat and man fs_usage). To test, run:

    vm_stat 1
    sudo fs_usage | grep -w kernel_task

    Note: Hit Control-C to stop.


I had the same problem in Yosemite but thanks to this good soul based on this another good fellow I could solve it. I still can't understand what happened, but after losing a whole weekend trying to work it out I just gave up and blindly follow his instructions. Look at my desperation in activity monitor:

All your cpu are belong to us

Be careful, always do a backup first and read the provided links for explanation. I take zero responsibility for any damage caused. You've been warned.

Find the model

$ system_profiler -detailLevel mini | grep "Model Identifier:"

Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2

Move and backup the file

$ mkdir -p ~/backup

$ cd /System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext/Contents/Resources

$ sudo mv MacBookPro8_2.plist ~/backup/

  • 1
    This solution worked for me. I have the same MacBookPro version. Unfortunately it involves disabling functionality that's designed to increase the longevity of the machine. I have checked CPU temp and fan functionality and it seems normal, so I presume that there is a bug in this functionality, however I still haven't been able to get to the bottom of why the CPU cooling failsafe was being triggered (sometimes from before log in, to no end). Commented May 13, 2016 at 3:24
  • @errant.info for some reason El Captain solved it. My mac was with a faulty battery as well, and I changed with El Captain, so don't know which action fixed actually. Good luck with your mac! Commented Jun 1, 2016 at 2:50

I'm on OSX Lion with a new 2011 macbook pro, and I recently had kernel_task running around 25-30% of CPU and my fan spinning at max for hours and hours. I tried one thing at a time and what solved it was... closing 5 or 6 windows in the Finder app. Can't say I understand why, but it was clearly that.

  • 2
    Do you have any extensions to Finder installed? For example, programs that add something to the toolbar or the right-click (context) menu?
    – Ricket
    Commented Nov 26, 2011 at 14:23
  • 1
    This is because one or more of your windows have the "show all sizes" checkbox enabled in the 'View->Show View Options" configuration. Turn that off, then set as default for all folders and it will stop. Commented Sep 14, 2012 at 8:46

On my Mac the CPU use of kernel_task is proportional to the internet bandwidth I use, ranging from about 0% to 50%. It's probably caused by the drivers for my Huawei 3G modem (HuaweiDataCardDriver.kext).

You could try disabling kernel extensions. There's no need to use kextunload: it's safe to just move the kext bundles from /System/Library/Extensions/ to some other folder and restart. You can use Consultant's Canary or kextstat | grep -v com.apple to list kernel extensions that didn't come with OS X.


I solved this by using my MBP's factory power adapter instead of my wife's MBA's. It seems to charge just fine (albeit, slowly), but for whatever reason causes this kernel_task issue. I did not try it in the right ports (they were unavailable). Apologies if this solution is already here


For me I had one process (Netbeans in this case, which was reading a file like 20GB) and it would use like 80% cpu for netbeans, 20% cpu for kernel_task (very suspicious). This caused my whole system to run like tar.

Also suspicious is that "menumeters" would report lots of "sys" time, per cpu. You can see this in the "top" command as well, like CPU usage: 21.40% user, 23.74% sys

Later, it might be netbeans 120% cpu, kernel_task 65%, but anyway they were both "high cpu at the same time"

sudo fs_usage showed lots of this:

12:46:34.446367  PAGE_IN_FILE      A=0x093a5bb000       0.000001   java.453214

My theory is that netbeans was "reading so much" that it was causing page faults to even run its own program (i.e. sending out to swap its own program), so getting a queue behind the page fault system. And probably swapping "other programs" out to swap as well, causing the whole system to go sllow.

Using top, the FAULT column was increasing by 70K/sec, as well.


My macbook Pro was almost unusable because of kernel_task high CPU for weeks At the same time the battery get inflated so i finally decided to go on Apple Center in Rome to replace it... even if out of warranty Apple have replaced my battery (and keyboard as well) for 0€ cost. Even better ... kernel_task problem suddenly disappears !!! so i'm pretty sure that it was because of the battery , directly or indirectly

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