A few months ago I was on my Mac computer and noticed that when I went to text myself (I do this from time to time to save messages or photos I want to keep or come back to etc) that the “To” field at the top of the message was a name I’ve never seen.. so clicked on the “contact card” and it was showing my phone number but different name and an email I’ve also never seen. I thought that was Very Bizzare given that information wasn’t in my iPhone and only on my computer… previously it had always said my name.
I assumed maybe my computer was hacked. I cleared everything off computer and reset it. Reset all passcodes…. A few months later. Same thing has happened again, but now it’s a different name/email.
Assuming someone has hacked into my computer. Do texts from Mac get forwarded to email? And If so, how can you tell ? Is there a setting somewhere for that?