I am using a 4TECH Windows keyboard with US English layout (picture). I want to map the Fn key to Option key. My Mac doesn't recognise that key - it simply doesn't do anything. Is there a way to fix it?



1 Answer 1


2 things to check - 1) if there are multiple choices, that you have the correct keyboard selected in the menu at the top of the Modifier Keys panel,

enter image description here

and 2) that Fn itself is correctly recognised on its own if you switch on Dictation [with Fn key in the previous section set back to default]

enter image description here

If 1) but not 2) then your keyboard is not supported.

Late edit
I just tested a PC-type keyboard on one of the Macs here & discovered another big clue… if the Fn key doesn't appear at all in this list, it's a sure sign the Mac is not going to accept it even exists -

enter image description here

Pics from Mojave, but even though Ventura has moved everything, there should be no difference in functionality

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