Ever since updating to Monterey, pressing the Fn key switches the input source (language/character set). I normally press Fn+F11/F12 to change the volume, and now every time I change the volume I also change the keyboard input source, which is super annoying:

Keyboard input source switching popup menu

Going to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts, I don't see the Fn key mentioned anywhere, and in particular nothing suspicious is listed in the Input Sources shortcuts (I have a single custom shortcut active there):

Input Sources keyboard shortcuts; "Select the previous input source" is set to ^F12

How can I disable using the Fn key to switch the keyboard input source?

1 Answer 1


You can disable language switching on the Fn-key by choosing "Do nothing" for "Press 🌐 to ..." in System Preferences > Keyboard:

Screenshot highlighting the globe key option in the Keyboard System Preferences

Tested in macOS Monterey (v12.3.1)


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