I'm getting the following errors when launching my terminal, seemingly out of nowhere. I have no idea what the cause is.
2022-03-23 09:41:00.818 xcodebuild[2352:21059] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionSentinelHostApplications for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionHosts.watchOS of plug-in com.apple.dt.IDEWatchSupportCore
2022-03-23 09:41:00.818 xcodebuild[2352:21059] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionPointIdentifierToBundleIdentifier for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionToBundleIdentifierMap.watchOS of plug-in com.apple.dt.IDEWatchSupportCore
Does anybody know how I can go about fixing this please?