With v2ray on macOX 10.13.6, I can access some sites from Chrome but I cannot access those sites from terminal.
the configuration for v2ray looks like this
"v": "2",
"ps": "\u8bxx-Azure",
"add": "xx.acrossgw.info",
"port": 8088,
"id": "xxx-b6xxx8954c",
"aid": "16",
"net": "ws",
"type": "none",
"host": "xx.acrossgw.info",
"path": "\/data",
"tls": "tls"
Per this post, this command sets proxy for terminal session
export http_proxy="username:password@ip address:port number"
I put this line at the end of my ~/.bash_profile
export http_proxy="xxx-b6xxx8954c:\[email protected]:8088"
but I cannot access those sites from terminal either, how do I do?