I have both my work and home locations on my contacts card in Contacts. However, I'm working from home now far more than I used to. My work hours have remained the same however, so most of my calendar events during the day need to start from home rather than work.
Calendar.app defaults to using the "Start of Day" and "End of Day" to determine your location (or a previous event within the 3 hours preceding). This means that any events during the day always default to give my travel time from my work location, not my home location. I've noticed this even includes holidays - eg. tomorrow is Labor Day in the USA, I'll be home, but Calendar is setting Work as the start location, and not letting me override it.
How can I override that start location with one that I set?
I know I can go into the event and edit it on my phone using the iOS calendar, but that seems a little clunky when I'm at my computer I want to use the computer.
Info on the defaults I mention above from comes this Apple guide: https://support.apple.com/guide/calendar/add-location-and-travel-time-to-events-icl43600/mac
I'm on 10.15.6 (Catalina)