Parrot OS does not come with all the drivers necessary to run on a MacBook Pro 2017. You will have to use an external mouse and keyboard to manually install the drivers.
First some extra packages:
sudo apt install git kernel-devel dkms
Next we need to prepare for the modules to be included in the ramdisk (so they are loaded early during boot):
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/dracut.conf.d/keyboard.conf
# load all drivers needed for the keyboard+touchpad
add_drivers+="applespi intel_lpss_pci spi_pxa2xx_platform apple-ib-tb"
Now get and build the drivers:
git clone
pushd macbook12-spi-driver
git checkout touchbar-driver-hid-driver
sudo ln -s `pwd` /usr/src/applespi-0.1
sudo dkms install applespi/0.1
Next we need to set the proper dpi for the touchpad and adjust the sensitivity (download the 61-evdev-local.hwdb, 61-libinput-local.hwdb, and local-overrides.quirks from this gist - the 61-evdev-local.hwdb is only needed for udev < 242, the 61-libinput-local.hwdb is needed for libinput versions < 1.12, the local-overrides.quirks for libinput versions >= 1.12):
# if 'udevadm --version' less than 242:
sudo cp ...the-downloaded-61-evdev-local.hwdb... /etc/udev/hwdb.d/61-evdev-local.hwdb
# if 'libinput --version' less than 1.12:
sudo cp ...the-downloaded-61-libinput-local.hwdb... /etc/udev/hwdb.d/61-libinput-local.hwdb
# if 'libinput --version' 1.12 or later:
sudo cp ...the-downloaded-local-overrides.quirks... /etc/libinput/local-overrides.quirks
sudo systemd-hwdb update
You can test the drivers by loading them and their dependencies:
sudo modprobe intel_lpss_pci spi_pxa2xx_platform applespi apple-ib-tb
Finally, reboot to make sure it all works correctly:
sudo reboot
Link for reference and tutorials on installing other drivers (screen brightness control, camera, etc..)