I would like to export one particular email to .eml , so I can save it on my disk and then manually attach to another message.

I am aware of those two options:

  • export whole mailbox
  • forward email as attachment

Neither of them meet my requirements, and this seems like really basic functionality.

3 Answers 3


Actually that functionality is beyond simple. Drag the email from the Mail.app window to the desktop. When you reach the desktop the pointer then contains acircular green "+"

Drop the email there and you now have a single message as an .eml file

  • 1
    great, thanks a lot. simple, yet not enough intuitive (at least for me..)
    – Line
    Commented Aug 28, 2019 at 20:08
  • 1
    Yah, Apple is famous for that kind of interface. We have all been victims of this kind of "non-discoverable" UI Commented Aug 28, 2019 at 23:03

Harder way! If you know the contents of the mail search for it in ~/Library/Mail, and go to path like


V6 may be different for other versions of macOS or Mail. For partial emails, remote content might be needed to download first.

  • yeah... why would anyone want harder way? ;) besides, why .emlx, not .eml?
    – Line
    Commented Aug 28, 2019 at 20:07
  • @Line If I hadn't written it there, you won't even comment. But it gives additional info. for example extracting all attachments is easier there than in UI. I dont know, raw vs export quality. Photos also distinguishes between JPG and JPEG while exporting unmodified original and otherwise.
    – anki
    Commented Aug 28, 2019 at 20:11

Apple Mail has this functionality. It is as simple as File > Save As > choose raw source for .eml format.


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