I noticed yesterday this weird behavior, don't how to trace it, actually.
The thing is this: When the https://github.com loads I'm seeing spinning circle for about 5 seconds while Safari is hanging.
Additionally: when I open some other tabs, not github, it's okay totally. When I'm switching to github tab the spinning circle appears again and Safari hanging for about that 5 seconds.
Similar behavior with bitbucket.org.
I've identified only these two sites. Not sure what they share in common.
I've removed completely all content inside my ~/ regarding Safari data.
Opened Safari totally stock, as the Apple ships, the same issue.
Also tried with removing all website data and cookies -- the same.
Here's the image of loading content: it kind of loads/hangs for about 5 seconds in that way.
Anyone got the clue, how I trace this maybe, or identify what might be the cause here? Thanks.