I have downloaded the Mavericks OS X Installation and found out it did not work. It gave me this message:

This copy of the "Install OS X" application is too old to be opened on this version of OS X.

I wanted to downloaded the public beta thinking it would be nice since I heard there was no problems. I ran into lots of performance problems on the way. I would like to go back to Mavericks.


3 Answers 3


There is no such thing as beta software without problems.

Restore your system from a Time Machine backup taken before you installed the beta OS release. This is possible by booting into the Recovery Partition.


As you were informed when installing the Yosemite preview, it is not possible to downgrade to Mavericks. You will require a backup to restore your machine to. Alternatively, you can boot from an install media, or use Internet Recovery to download a Recovery partition of an older OS.


This article from MacWorld might be helpful. http://www.macworld.com/article/2458050/how-to-revert-to-mavericks-from-the-yosemite-public-beta.html

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