Strangely, Command + Click has stopped opening links in new tabs on my computer. It opens them in the same tab, as if I hadn't pressed Command. This problem occurs with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. My home Mac doesn't have this problem, and my coworker's Mac doesn't have this problem.
My Command keys work just fine with other hotkeys like Command + O
to open files.
I tried disabling extensions, didn't help.
Anyone else experience this?
$ specs chrome os
specs 0.4
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --version 2>&1 | grep -v Unsure
system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | grep 'System Version'
System Version: OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)
Cmd + Click
work in Safari and Firefox?Command + O
to open files.Command + Click
is not working in Firefox or Safari either. Yes, I tried that extension, it didn't help. This problem occurs on all websites and bookmarks, not just certain websites.