I have a Macbook with a Japanese keyboard, but don't need to write Japanese. I do prefer a US layout, but need to write German characters (äöüÄÖÜß). On Windows they had a "US - International" layout for this, where you can use for example AltGr+p for ö, AltGr+q for ä and so on.
I know I can do this on Mac by pressing Option + u then press a for ä, but this is too slow to type fast with.
Is there a way for me to create this using a custom modifier? I'd like to make the かな key right of the space bar a modifier key. So I'd press かな + p to get ö for example.
I have remapped a few keys on my keyboard via hidutil, for example to extend the right shift and backspace to the character left of it. But can't find a way to press multiple keys to type one character