While replacing the logic board on my MacBook Pro (15" 2.4 GHz) and I stripped one of the 3.3mm 00 Phillips screws for the SuperDrive. I have found only one source online that had replacements in stock (http://www.impactcomputers.com/), and they wanted to charge me $19.99 + shipping for 5 of them. Are stores like this my only recourse, or does anyone know of a better online distributer of Mac parts?

I have checked ifixit.com and I would like to avoid buying full $60 sets for one replacement.

  • Go to the apple store. If it's just 1 screw and your fairly polite, they'll get it to you from their back room just to get you out of the already crowded store :P
    – Alexander
    Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 0:17

4 Answers 4


iFixit is a good place for parts. They seem to sell complete screw kits for different models.

Although one screw missing won’t hurt the unit. I repaired a machine recently that is literally held together with celo tape and stickers.

  • Yes bet he wants to avoid spending $60 for a single screw, as mentioned in the question.
    – MrDaniel
    Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 18:08

Have you tried ebay? ebay search for "macbook pro screws"

  • I was only able to locate full screw sets, so that was no dice. Thanks tho!
    – rfboyce
    Commented Apr 16, 2012 at 16:03

Have you got any old dead computers, or know someone who does? They provide a cheap and ready source of ridiculously expensive to replace parts, including such things as small metric screws.

  • A great idea! But sadly I couldn't find anyone with this model, I ended up just leaving the screw out...no harm it seems :)
    – rfboyce
    Commented Apr 16, 2012 at 16:03

You might want to try Other World Computing. They sell Mac parts and kits so they might be able to help you. I have used them in the past and they so far no complaints.

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