The iPad was bought 5 years ago, it runs iOS 9.3.5 and claims to be up to date.
The battery is fine - it does hold the charge, and it does charge fast (when it decides to charge).
The cable is also fine - I bought a new thick cable and plug it into a "travel adapter" which outputs 5.1V/0.7A (same behavior with a 5V/2A adapter).
Problem: when I plug the cable into the iPad and adapter, the charge indicator (lightning next to the battery icon) does not come up.
However, after I
- Unplug the cable (either from the iPad or from the adapter)
- Turn off iPad
- Plug the cable back
the iPad turns on right away, and usually starts charging (and then it charges fast and holdw the charge fine, as mentioned above).
What do I do to get the device to charge reliably?