I'm used to working on Unix/Linux and recently moved to Mac. In used to be able to do this:
derick@linux1:~$ ssh -X linux2
derick@linux2's password:
derick@linux2:~$ xclock
I've install X11 from maxports and I can do the same from my mac. If I try the reverse by ssh-ing into my mac from linux I can only run certain apps:
works fineSomething like
opens the GUI on the mac.It seems that this is not possible on a mac? If not, how do I run an application remotely (on a mac) with a local (linux) display? Do I need some third-party app?
Update: To be more precise: I have synergy and use Mac for coding. On my linux PC I would like to see another application's display (GUI) from Mac. Thus, 'live screen sharing' apps like VNC will not work.
For example I'm working on my mac in app A (say Word) and want to see the output of Excel (running on mac) on my linux PC next to me. (Simulating a dual screen via the network). It worked nicely on linux, hoping for a solution for mac.