I converted some mkv files into AppleTV3 files with Handbrake so I could import them into iTunes to watch on my AppleTV 3.

I can't seem to import these files into iTunes on Mac OS X I've tried dragging the files and using File> "Open File"
No error messages appear.

How do I import m4v files into iTunes?
If this is not possible, what format should the files be converted?

  • Excuse me, are you sure you mean Mac OS X You're using Puma, an OS from fifteen years ago?
    – Wildcard
    Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 9:37

1 Answer 1


When adding an .m4v file, or other acceptable A/V type file extensions, to iTunes either by drag and drop or using File > Add to Library... the file is added to Home Videos under Movies.

In a fresh install of OS X, in the image below, it shows the available tabs when selecting Movies in iTunes. Note there is no Home Videos tab.

iTunes without any videos.

In the image below, after adding a video to iTunes the Home Videos tab appears under Movies and shows the added video.

iTunes with added video.

  • You are correct. I was doing it correctly, but the name of the file was being changed. Commented Jul 30, 2015 at 18:01
  • @BryanWheelock, Not sure what you mean by "but the name of the file was being changed" however it's not changing in mine unless I delete it while opting to keep the file and then add it again. The name is then incremented by 1 each time. Commented Jul 30, 2015 at 18:14

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