I am having a very frustrating problem with zero values in a conditional calculation.
I have a running balance column (E) with the custom number format of #,##0.00 ; [Red]-#,##0.00 ; ;
when I use the simple calculation in the cells ie. E4
is =E3+D4
, and the result is zero, the zeros are suppressed. The problem came when I changed it to a conditional calculation to avoid any cell results in future rows. The new formula being =if(A1>today(),,E3+D4)
, where A1 is every week day of the year.
The cells containing zero results prior to any values in D cells are working (not displaying zeros), but once the running balance column E was not equal to zero and then calculated back to zero, that cell and the cells after carrying a zero balance are displayed as 0.00
I have done many alterations to the format and formula to figure out why and all I can come up with is that the zero is being taken as a positive zero instead of just zero. (I formatted positives as blue and the 0.00 was blue)
When I change the formula back to straight addition (the same as in the conditional formula), the zeros are suppressed again.
Does anyone have any idea what is going in with this?