Trying to load the Printer Setup Utility on OSX Mavericks from the terminal. This is for a setup app which has streamlined interfaces for setting it up.
What I've Tried
I've tried going into the .app folder and loading the utility directly (./System/Library/CoreServices/Printer\ Setup\\ Setup\ Utility ; )
However this merely results in a new terminal window being opened with the command being run in the foreground. Attempting to run it in the background results in no window popup, so that didn't work either. Navigating to the directory in finder and running it from there results in the same thing. So far the only way I've gotten it to run is by doing it the "proper" way of running through the System Preferences utility.
In Summary
How do I run the Printer Setup Utility from the terminal such that it opens in a window, similar to how you would open it in the GUI?