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27 votes

Is it possible to run Internet Explorer on OS X El Capitan?

You can use a virtual machine and then use the images provided by Microsoft for use in testing older versions of IE. Requires no cost and you can delete it when you've finished using the site. For ...
Ryan McDonough's user avatar
16 votes

Is it possible to run Internet Explorer on OS X El Capitan?

First, please note that Internet Explorer has been deprecated and replaced by Microsoft Edge since 2015. It is not known to be a secure browser and has frequent major vulnerabilities. If your service ...
zakinster's user avatar
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10 votes

Is it possible to run Internet Explorer on OS X El Capitan?

You could try to use some of the cloud tools that provide access to browsers via their service. Essentially you create an account with one of these services, and through their dashboard you can ...
Sinstein's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it possible to run Internet Explorer on OS X El Capitan?

You have a few options: VM software and an IEDev image. Microsoft provides free (time-limited) versions of Windows with IE in the form of virtual machine images. You can get them here: https://...
520's user avatar
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4 votes

How to install Internet Explorer on Mac OS X 10.11.6 ( EL Captain OS )?

IE hasnt' been available for Mac since version 5.x. Your best depends on your needs: cheap PC, Virtual PC, Parallels, different browser on Mac. What are you trying to accomplish - what need do you ...
CDK's user avatar
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4 votes

Is Internet Explorer 11 mode available in the new Microsoft Edge for Mac browser?

No. Microsoft Edge team confirmed here that IE Mode is only going to be supported on Windows: IE mode will be supported where IE11 is currently supported so yes, it is Windows specific. Thanks!
Igor's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to run Internet Explorer on OS X El Capitan?

Buy Parallels, buy Windows, install Parallels, install Windows, and now you can run Windows applications inside MacOSX, including Windows internals like Internet Explorer if I'm not mistaken. Costs a ...
jwenting's user avatar
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2 votes

How to install Internet Explorer on Mac OS X 10.11.6 ( EL Captain OS )?

The last native version of Internet Explorer for Mac was IE5, in about 2003. There are two ways to run a more current version using a VM running Windows, or this intriguing way to run it using MS ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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