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Photographs and photography in general. For the application, use "".

3 votes

How do I downgrade my Photos library?

Your files are not lost, however, since the Photos library is a bundle that still contains your originals. … It will pull down your photos. If you have access to a machine with Big Sur you have two routes: Configure that machine with your iCloud and set up iCloud Photo Library. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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0 votes

How do I transfer a Photos project from one mac to another?

You can move, via a network, direct thunderbolt connection, or via an external disk, the Photo Library package. You don't need to dig into the package contents. A single user can only have one "System …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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0 votes

Why might Photos be "Unable to upload" certain image files?

I've experienced this with Photos 8 on just a few photos. Duplicating them and deleting the originals resolved the issues. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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4 votes

Avoiding file duplications between the 'Pictures' folder and Photos App

Store imported files outside the Photos library In the Photos app on your Mac, choose Photos > Settings, then click General. Deselect the “Copy items to the Photos library” checkbox. … Note the caveats, however I assume you understand these: If you store files outside the Photos library, keep in mind that: If you use iCloud Photos, photos and videos that are outside the Photos library …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

In Photos app, how do I group thumbnails together?

The only manual grouping that Photos supports is Albums, which I'm sure you're familiar with. There is no way to create folders or stacks in the main photos view. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

Photos: Move images from iCloud to local storage without losing metadata (albums, tags, etc)?

Assuming your photo library is complete ("Download Originals" is checked), I'd recommend the following process: Close out Photos In Finder, navigate to the Photos library (~/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary … Delete photos from the non-iCloud copy that you want to keep in iCloud. Delete photos from the iCloud copy that you want to keep local only. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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2 votes

Photos on Mac is sending to iCloud but still showing 3gb of photos on my local

Photos does not remove local copies unless you are low on storage and have Optimize Mac Storage enabled in Photos > Settings > iCloud. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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0 votes

How do I Copy Photos from One Library to Another?

Open the duplicated photo library and confirm in Photos settings that you are not modifying your primary photo library. … Re-open the photo library you wish to import the photos into. In the File menu, choose Import and select the copy that now only contains the photos you wish to import. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

Photos app: Why aren’t all days shown in “Collections: Days”?

It appears that it only creates an entry when a certain threshold of photos is reached. For example, if you take a single photo it won't create an entry for the day. … It is likely designed to create entries for days that have multiple sets of photos that can be collected together. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

Disable iCloud Photo Library on Mac

When you disable iCloud Photo Library, it will not delete any full resolution photos that are already on your computer. The issue is that your entire photo library has not yet been downloaded. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the required conditions for Photos to start a facial scan?

Firstly, you should completely Quit photos. The scanning service will run in the background even if the app is closed. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

New iPhone XS People & Places People album not populating - nothing

Photos synced through iTunes won't carry over faces data. Instead, your phone will scan the library manually. It will do this in such a fashion that it doesn't interfere with your battery life. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

Editing/correcting "Places" in macOS Photos

You can select all the photos that should be located at your home at once, and edit them together. Open the info pane (command I) after selecting them. … If you want to find photos that are near your home, use the places view to pull up the photos you're looking for. By zooming out you'll see these photos grouped together. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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0 votes

Deleting photo from Photos app doesn't delete from Finder

When you import photo(s) into the Photos application, it creates a copy - it does not modify/reference the original. You will have to manually delete the original photos after importing them. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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1 vote

iCloud photos 'uploading' after moving library — extremely slow

Hold the option key while opening photos. …
Ezekiel's user avatar
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