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Questions tagged [visual-voicemail]

Visual Voicemail lets you see all your new messages and select the one you want to hear first — just like email. So instead of listening to them in the order they were received, you can go straight to the ones that are most important to you. To return a call, tap the Call Back button. The feature is not available on all carriers.

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Is there a way to save visual voicemails with a better filename pattern or attach metadata to the resulting file?

I am preparing to switch carriers and have a bunch of visual voicemails I do not want to lose. The simplest way to do this appears to save them to a file before switching carriers. The problem is ...
Chuu's user avatar
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Need current iPhone's visual voicemails to transfer to new iPhone's visual voicemail, same carrier (AT&T)

I am updating my AT&T iPhone XR Pro Max to an AT&T iPhone 12 Pro Max. I need to make sure my visual voicemails get transferred so they can be viewed and opened on the Voicemail app on the new ...
Tordu's user avatar
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How can I search voicemail transcripts?

I want to find a particular voicemail message on my phone by searching the automatically generated transcripts. How can I do that? I've got an iPhone SE (2020 version) running iOS 13.
KnowItAllWannabe's user avatar
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How full is my iPhone voicemail box?

I want to be able to know how full my voicemail box is before it starts rejecting caller's messages. Is there a command that does this?
Mark Tracy's user avatar
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Visual Voicemail Save Greeting: The operation could not be completed. ( error 1035.)

I have MetroPCS. I set up my greeting earlier this week. I had bad reception so called their support and they 'reset the network'. Now I can't save my voicemail greeting. I get this error. I took the ...
Chloe's user avatar
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Which carriers support iOS 10's voicemail transcription?

I'm curious because I don't see any text under my voicemails when I tap on them, but I've seen videos of that being what you do, and I've read that it doesn't require any activation. I don't see why ...
atirit's user avatar
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Visual Voicemail won't let me play back or adjust greeting

I have a new iPhone SE running iOS 9.3.1, restored from a backup of my old iPhone 4S. Also I have changed carriers upon getting the new phone to Cricket from AT&T. When I set up the new iPhone, ...
kal-al's user avatar
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Does Visual Voicemail work the same across all carriers?

I have an iPhone 4s on AT&T. I'm going to want to switch to an iPhone SE and also switch to Cricket Wireless. Cricket shows on their website that you can have 20 voicemails, but they also have a ...
kal-al's user avatar
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How can I delete all voicemails from my iPhone?

I would like to bulk delete all the voice mails from my iPhone but it appears I need to first delete each one (multiple taps on each message) and then bulk delete them all from the "deleted items" sub ...
bmike's user avatar
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Can I devote more room to my voicemails?

I have an iPhone 4S with plenty of space on it but I keep lots of the point where sometimes people can't leave me a message because my voicemail is full. Is this an iPhone thing that ...
Drew's user avatar
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Does iOS 5.1.1 disable Visual Voicemail on Sprint phones?

I updated to iOS 5.1.1 today, and now the voicemail button on my phone calls Sprints old, audio voicemail system. I no longer have access to visual voicemail. I suspect that the feature may have been ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
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How do I select the right iPhone carrier

I have seen a lot of people asking about what carrier to use and what features they have. Also people have asked about Visual Voicemail, which confusingly is not available on some networks, although ...
Graeme Hutchison's user avatar
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iPhone Visual VoiceMail in Israel

I brought my unlocked iPhone 4S to Israel and got a local SIM card. The voicemail button is calling the voicemail instead of showing me the visual voicemail. I asked my provider about it (Cellcom) ...
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