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Remapping keyboard shortcuts to use with international keyboards?

I have been using the french version of a DVORAK keyboard layout, called BÉPO, for several years. However I’m increasingly facing an annoying problem: with the multiplication of Electron apps among ...
tb87's user avatar
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How to use a specific keyboard layout upon boot?

I've installed DosDude's patches to get Catalina running on my Mac Pro 4,1. However, I'm a Dvorak typist, and now I find I'm booting Catalina in "Canadian English" layout instead of Dvorak. ...
Jan Steinman's user avatar
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Shortcuts stopped to work when Dvorak + macOS BigSur 11.4

I upgraded my macOS and after it the shortcuts stopped to work, on all apps! It's like the Command + N is not respecting the current selected keyboard layout, it's using the QWERTY layout for the ...
John John's user avatar
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Focus menu bar Help menu Search field in different keyboard layouts

In the default U.S. QWERTY keyboard layout, pressing ⌘⇧/ (aka ⌘?) opens the Help menu item and focuses the Search field. Pressing the keyboard shortcut and then typing allows you to easily search ...
pkamb's user avatar
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Can the new iPad Pro magic keyboard used on Dvorak?

I wonder if it is possible to use Dvorak layout on the new Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro. It would be even better if I can use it without installing any third-party keyboard applications. Also, on Mac ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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How to type in Chinese pinyin tones on Dvorak keyboard on macOS?

I want to type in Chinese pinyin and found a website, but it only works for second (é) and fourth (è) tones. The first and third tones don't work on Dvorak, as Option + a and Option + k input å and ˚, ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Can I use the Dvorak layout on Japanese keyboard on macOS?

Recently I switched to Dvorak, but found out that although my Chinese layout also switched to Dvorak, the Japanese layout didn't. I deleted the Japanese layout from the list on the System Preferences,...
Blaszard's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I easily replace keys in the new 2016 MacBook Pro?

I am using the Dvorak keyboard map on my Mac, I used to just switch keys from the keyboard to have a nice Dvorak keyboard. Does any one know if there is a simple way to replace keys on the new Mac ...
user1084028's user avatar
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Esperanto and Dvorak keyboard?

So, I'm fully aware on how to type characters with various accents (å, à, ø, á, ä and â) but one thing I don't understand is how to type those accents when typing in Esperanto. The circumflex, for ...
Véronique Bellamy's user avatar
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"Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘" doesn't work for some applications

I recently switched to Dvorak, and I'm using the Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘ layout. It works in most situations, except some applications don't honor the Qwerty shortcuts. That is, if I were to press what ...
Tablesalt's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create diacritical characters with the Dvorak keyboard on Mac?

I configured the Dvorak keyboard and its almost working. I need to write chars like 'á' typing two keys, but when I type the first the ' char already shows. How to fix this?
John John's user avatar
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Spanish Dvorak Keyboard

Actually i am learning to write with the Dvorak Keyboard. In the system configuration for Language and Text i have three Dvorak options (Left, Right and Querty) but none for spanish (with 'ñ' and ...
Arnaldo Gaspar V's user avatar
3 votes
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To stop a process in Matlab with Dvorak keyboard

The keybing CMD-C and CMD-point work in Qwerty keybinding in OSX's Matlab, but not with Dvorak keybinding in OSX's Matlab. There must be a bug in Matlab, which is causing this. The problem is that ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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Rearrange keycaps on '09 MBP?

I'm kinda interested in using the Dvorak layout (if nothing else, people won't want to steal my machine as much), but it drives me insane that tapping a key types a different character than is written ...
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2 answers

Is it possible to set a keyboard layout per app?

I use Dvorak for my day-to-day work, however I find that Microsoft's Remote Desktop application doesn't play very nicely with this: if I connect to an existing session it will use whatever keymap was ...
alt's user avatar
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1 answer

Configure 1 of 2 keyboards for Dvorak

I have 2 keyboards on my MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8.5. I am trying to configure it so that typing on one keyboard will always use the Qwerty layout while typing on the other will always use the ...
CitizenForAnAwesomeTomorrow's user avatar
9 votes
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Some dvorak shortcuts aren't working. 10.8.2

I just got a new Macbook Air, and was all excited to code: but then wham. For example I cannot do command + / Which is pretty valuable when coding. It treats it as Command + { I'm trying to use ...
Serhiy's user avatar
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Control not working in iTerm 2 when using Programmer Dvorak keyboard layout

I'm using the Programmer Dvorak keyboard layout and found that the Control key does not work in iTerm 2. Emacs is unusable as a result, and I can't interrupt processes with Ctrl-C. Interestingly, the ...
James Koppel's user avatar