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Unknown Disk Space, can't touch it [duplicate]

My visible Disk Usage minus free space is out by 123GB. Clarification: Externally booted disk repair show no errors. Permissions have been fixed. Time Machine has had local off with: sudo tmutil ...
TomB's user avatar
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Deleting files but, disk space doesn't stay free - not due to time machine [duplicate]

After hitting the ceiling on my 256 GB SSD, I deleted around 20 GB to free up disk space. Unfortunately, almost every time I start the MacBook, it issues a warning, that the startup disk is almost ...
Daniel's user avatar
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MacBook HD "Other" all of a sudden almost full

As you can see in the below image, my HD "Other" category is almost full. A couple of days ago, I randomly kept getting a popup saying that my disk was almost full. Then I went in and noticed the ...
ansarob's user avatar
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"Other" taking up over HALF of my storage space

I've recently gotten a new computer (16" base model with 8GB GPU), and its 500GB of storage had dropped to just 80 when I checked it. Here's the screenshot: I've checked through all my folders, and ...
JBDouble05's user avatar
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How to empty MobileBackups.trash content

I noticed that OSX reports a wrong disk space amount, reporting that "Other" space is near to 170Gb. Digging into the issue here "Huge inconsistency in disk space measurement, missing 50% of the disk"...
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Can't update Xcode even with 19gb free space [duplicate]

I have an available update for Xcode that is in the 7gb range, and when I try to update I get an alert saying there isn't enough disk space - I checked my space and I have 19gb available (of 120gb). ...
KingTim's user avatar
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Daisydisk reports more than 40GB "still hidden" space on macOS Catalina

On my Mac running macOS Catalina, I noticed there were much less and less free space during past several weeks in which I had done little file additions or software installations. Scanning with ...
dionisokan's user avatar
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Finder not showing correct free space?

I have a software called Daisy Disk and it says I only have 70 GB left in my drive. However in Finder I see 131 GB available. How is this 60 GB difference possible?
Koray Tugay's user avatar
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More than 120 GB Hidden space in Mojave

My mac is eating up all free space and I have no clue where it's coming from. I have used tools like DaisyDisk or OmniDiskSweeper to find any folder/files which might be taking this space, but there ...
Jos's user avatar
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Hidden files taking up hard disc space?

I’ve used DaisyDisk to analyse my file usage on my MacBook Pro (mid–2012), but the numbers aren’t adding up. Of 500GB, it shows ~425GB used, but the breakdown only adds up to 280GB. The diagram itself ...
Anthony Noel's user avatar