Linked Questions

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Downgrade iOS 12.4.8 to iOS 11.3.1 - iPhone 6 (Without SHSH blobs) [duplicate]

Is there any way to downgrade iOS 12.4.8 to iOS 11.3.1 on iPhone 6 (Without SHSH blobs). The firmware is not signed by the apple anymore. I'm stuck at iOS 12.4.8 on iPhone 6 and cannot use Wi-fi ...
Ak119's user avatar
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How do I downgrade a jailbroken iPhone 4 on iOS 7.0.3 to iOS 6.X.X? [duplicate]

I know about other similair questions on AD, but they are from quite a while ago. Things can change quickly. I do know about this method:
narzero's user avatar
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How do I roll back my iOS version? The 12.2 update has broken my WiFi [duplicate]

When I updated my iPhone 8 to 12.2 (16E227), it broke the WiFi and now apps like YouTube can't connect and often times I can't even load in Safari. Podcast app also fails when streaming. ...
Chloe's user avatar
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How can I get a revoked IPSW to install? [duplicate]

I need to get the IOS 10.2 IPSW to install on my iPod Touch to jailbreak it, but there is no JB for IOS 10.3.2, which I recently downgraded to from IOS 11. How can I get it to install?
Sebastian Chokka's user avatar
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Is there any way I can update my iPhone SE from iOS 9 to iOS 10.3.3 today, since iOS 11.3 is already available? [duplicate]

I have iOS 9 on my iPhone SE. If I wanted to update it today to iOS 10.3.3, would it be possible? How? I'm asking it because the most recent version is 11.3 beta 6
Elisa Sanches's user avatar
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Is there a way to downgrade from iOS 8 to iOS 7? [duplicate]

My iPhone 4S is very slow. Is there anyway to downgrade to iOS 7 (legal or jailbreak)?
Charlie's user avatar
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Accidental upgrade of iPhone SE to iOS 10, any way to go back to 9? [duplicate]

I'm fairly sure this is not possible but had to ask anyway. My wife's iPhone SE was on iOS 9 which she loved, and she hates iOS 10 (has tried it on my phone and can't stand it). Today her phone ...
JVC's user avatar
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How to upgrade from iOS 14 to 15, NOT 16+? [duplicate]

I cannot “upgrade” my iPhone to iOS 16 for reasons. But I would like to at least go from 14 to 15 if that is possible. I have read that 15 is okay. Google has this to say: In response to How do I ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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How do I download iOS 8.0 or newer for iPhone 4s [duplicate]

I have an iPhone 4s that is running iOS 7.04 and won't update. It requires iOS 8.0 or newer to install any apps. How can I download iOS 8.0 or newer on my iPhone 4s?
user290312's user avatar
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Can I Downgrade ipad mini? [duplicate]

Now that the jailbreak for iOS 9.2.1 has been released, can I downgrade my iPad Mini 1 to older versions? It is so slow with 9.2.1.
a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75ae's user avatar
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upgrade ios 9 to 10 february 2019 [duplicate]

I have a 6 plus. I have left ios 9.something there. If I want to update right now, as of right now the ios 12 is availble but i must install it from itunes. Can I downlaod 10.0 on itunes and ...
Born vs. Me's user avatar
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Downgrading iPad update [duplicate]

I updated the iPad and the music app updated to different layout. Can I return to previous update? It is for my mother and she can't see. She could play music and now with the upgrade she can't use it....
veronica's user avatar
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Manually downgrading iOS 14.1 to 13.1 [duplicate]

I am trying to downgrade my iPhone from 14.1 to 13.3 in order to jailbreak it using checkm8, since checkm8 supports up to iOS 13.3. I have currently downloded 13.3 IPSW, but since it is not signed, I ...
KontrCode's user avatar
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Rescuing an iTouch 5 from iOS Update [duplicate]

I did something mildly dumb and decided I'd finally try updating my old iPod Touch 5 to the latest version of iOS (9.3.5) from the iOS 7.1.2. Unfortunately, while it meant that some of my apps ...
Inumo's user avatar
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