I am trying to set up two default paper sizes for two seperate "printers" (which both point to the same URL) - one is ARCHD and one is ARCHE.
Using lpoptions -p Printername -l shows me that both of those are options.
I've used various commands and tests such as
lpadmin -p 48x36 -v "popup://<URL>/Printer_36x48" -E -P "/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/HP DesignJet Studio-36.ppd" -o HPPrintQualityPreset=middle -o PageSize=ArchE -o Media=ARCHE -o MediaType=HPUniIDSatinPhto -o HPPaperSource=Roll
When I check the settings with
lpoptions -p 48x36 -l
It shows me that those settings all "took". It has the little star next to the ArchE under paper size.
However, when I go to actually print (from Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, and preview) and print to that printer, it has the correct default paper type and paper source, but it defaults to letter size paper.
How can I made the lpoptions default paper size actually show up in practice?