I'm using the Microsoft Outlook Mac client to read work email. Sometimes I want to open links in my default browser, and sometimes I want to open them in a different browser. When I right-click on a link it gives a few options: Copy Link and Share. Under Share, there are a few options that appear to come from the "Share Menu" in Preferences. Is it possible to create a new entry in the share menu such as "Open in Firefox" or "Open in Safari"? How would I do this without purchasing software to do it for me?
I'm using MacOS Big Sur if that's relevant.
I've seen this answer: Force URL link to open with a specific browser but it does not answer my question. The answers talk about software that operates on rules to open different browsers; I want to choose which browser to open each time I right-click on a link. There is already a menu there; how do I add to it? Actually allowing even just one alternative to the default browser is sufficient for my purposes.
The Automator looks promising: I was able to create a simple action to read aloud text highlighted on the screen. However, I want the action to operate on the link destination instead of the displayed text. I have created an action that calls a shell script but it doesn't appear in the context menu.