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After lots of searching, I found something that mostly works, though it's not as seamless as what I was searching for.

I set up the following Automator workflow. First I set the workflow to receive no input in any application. The first action is "Get Contents of Clipboard". The second action in the workflow is "Run Shell Script", using /bin/bash as the shell and passing input as arguments with the following body (most of which was automatically populated):

for f in "$@"; do
  open -a /Applications/ "$f"

I named my service "Open in Safari". Save.

Then I set up a global shortcut in System Preferences...Keyboard...Shortcuts...Services...General...Open in SafariSystem Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > General > Open in Safari, click on (none) and add my shortcut which I set to control-shift-SCtrl+Shift+S, though it could be anything. I'm not sure if that key combination will clash with something else or not.

So now I can just right click-click on a link in Outlook, select Copy LinkCopy Link, then hit my key combination to open the link in Safari. The only other side effect is that the link also gets opened in Firefox which is set as the default browser. I'd be interested to find out how to stop this behavior.

After lots of searching, I found something that mostly works, though it's not as seamless as what I was searching for.

I set up the following Automator workflow. First I set the workflow to receive no input in any application. The first action is "Get Contents of Clipboard". The second action in the workflow is "Run Shell Script", using /bin/bash as the shell and passing input as arguments with the following body (most of which was automatically populated):

for f in "$@"; do
  open -a /Applications/ "$f"

I named my service "Open in Safari". Save.

Then I set up a global shortcut in System Preferences...Keyboard...Shortcuts...Services...General...Open in Safari, click on (none) and add my shortcut which I set to control-shift-S, though it could be anything. I'm not sure if that key combination will clash with something else or not.

So now I can just right click on a link in Outlook, select Copy Link, then hit my key combination to open the link in Safari. The only other side effect is that the link also gets opened in Firefox which is set as the default browser. I'd be interested to find out how to stop this behavior.

After lots of searching, I found something that mostly works, though it's not as seamless as what I was searching for.

I set up the following Automator workflow. First I set the workflow to receive no input in any application. The first action is "Get Contents of Clipboard". The second action in the workflow is "Run Shell Script", using /bin/bash as the shell and passing input as arguments with the following body (most of which was automatically populated):

for f in "$@"; do
  open -a /Applications/ "$f"

I named my service "Open in Safari". Save.

Then I set up a global shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > General > Open in Safari, click on (none) and add my shortcut which I set to Ctrl+Shift+S, though it could be anything. I'm not sure if that key combination will clash with something else or not.

So now I can just right-click on a link in Outlook, select Copy Link, then hit my key combination to open the link in Safari. The only other side effect is that the link also gets opened in Firefox which is set as the default browser. I'd be interested to find out how to stop this behavior.

Source Link

After lots of searching, I found something that mostly works, though it's not as seamless as what I was searching for.

I set up the following Automator workflow. First I set the workflow to receive no input in any application. The first action is "Get Contents of Clipboard". The second action in the workflow is "Run Shell Script", using /bin/bash as the shell and passing input as arguments with the following body (most of which was automatically populated):

for f in "$@"; do
  open -a /Applications/ "$f"

I named my service "Open in Safari". Save.

Then I set up a global shortcut in System Preferences...Keyboard...Shortcuts...Services...General...Open in Safari, click on (none) and add my shortcut which I set to control-shift-S, though it could be anything. I'm not sure if that key combination will clash with something else or not.

So now I can just right click on a link in Outlook, select Copy Link, then hit my key combination to open the link in Safari. The only other side effect is that the link also gets opened in Firefox which is set as the default browser. I'd be interested to find out how to stop this behavior.