I need to get information about System Device Profiles (MDM or enrollment), such as Details: Description, control the computer, Allows and other. But I need to get it from some FileInfo in order to write these info to my .txt file.
I found the right information in /Library/Application Support/com.Apple.TCC/MDMOverrides.plist . But in new system Mac version these info is SIP protected, that's why I need to restart the PC in Recovery Mode and write the next console command: csrutil disable . I need to find an easier solution, which is approached with any version of system.
I can also find the necessary information in System Preferences/Profiles in Details, so does it mean that the information is opened? Where can I find it? It can be no path in Privacy Preferences Policy Control.
I have also known about console commands such as profiles list or profiles show/, but it isn't full info.
I really need to read the full info about all Mobile Device Management profiles from some file in order to write in my own file and send to server, or something like this.