enter image description here

Command+Option+P+R does nothing, and executing nvram -xp and nvram -c returns the same nvram is not supported on this system

This is on a clean install of Yosemite (installation of El Cap and above fails every time), on a SATA internal SSD.

Edit: The underlying issue I'm trying to fix is slow boot times. Yosemite is installed on an SSD, yet it still takes about 2 minutes and 20 seconds to boot up. I've recorded a video of it booting up in verbose mode, but I've yet to decide whether to upload that or try to get a text dump of the console.

Edit 2: Watch the iMac boot in real-time, with verbose output: https://streamable.com/9fa6h6

Edit 3: Output of ioreg -p IODeviceTree https://pastebin.com/BGJvkYea

Edit 4: Boot ROM is IM101.00CC.B00 and SMC version (system) is 1.53f13. There is nothing in /System/Library/CoreServices/Firmware Updates/.

Any chance that something like this (https://www.reddit.com/r/hackintosh/comments/adxdb0/the_bodgers_guide_to_getting_nvram_working/) can fix it, partially or otherwise?

  • Is a firmware password set? Are you using a wired keyboard for the c/o/p/r at boot?
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 10:29
  • No FW password is set. I’ve tried both wired and wireless keyboard for the key combo on boot.
    – aklh
    Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 14:12
  • Let’s see if the NVRAM KEXT is properly loading. Please provide the output of: $ kextstat | grep EFI and $ ioreg -r -c AppleEFINVRAM
    – pion
    Commented Feb 1, 2021 at 7:59
  • Here’s the output: pastebin.com/c9148zKW
    – aklh
    Commented Feb 2, 2021 at 11:47
  • NVRAM is present and has valid data, ruling out a broken KEXT or a corrupt NVRAM flash region. The slow boot is definitely not normal and likely to be related to your NVRAM issue. It appears to be stalling while enumerating the PCI bus. Do you have any devices attached to you Mac?
    – pion
    Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 4:05


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