This is my Wife's Mac, and she has been complaining of general slowness for a while now. And I confirmed it and did the normal things: Safe Mode, clean caches, check the disk for errors, run the hardware diagnostics, zap the PRAM/NVRAM. The result: nothing found, still slow.
So time for a new Mac for her (a new MBA) and I scrub the drive on the old MBA clean of all data with disk utility, run first aid and (try to) reinstall macOS (Mojave)in the hopes that a clean reinstall will do the trick.
Internet Recovery mode errors out when trying to install Mojave from Apple's servers (and a 30 minute boot), so I make a Mojave installer on a USB-3 flash drive and boot from that.
It takes almost an hour to boot the flash drive and even then the progress bar completes but nothing happens. So I built another installer and verified this one will boot an older Mac Mini I have. Works fine, but on the MBA same as before: an hour to complete booting but I never get the Install MacOS Mojave screen. It sits, completed on the black screen with a filled progress bar.
So Diagnostics finds nothing, disk first aid finds nothing, zapping the PRAM/NVRAM does nothing, and now I have an old MBA with no OS that won't install a new OS and stumped as to what is going on. Not sure it is worth taking to Apple for repairs as repairs would likely cost more than the Mac is worth.
Any suggestions or even ideas what it might be?