I am looking for a way to automate the deploy of my React Native application built with Expo.

I am using the transporter app (not Xcode) to upload my app to the apple store.

echo ''
echo '==============================='
echo '🍏 Download archive.ipa'
echo '==============================='
echo ''
APP_IPA = $(curl -o app-ios.ipa "$(expo url:ipa)")
echo $APP_IPA

open .
open /Applications/Transporter.app
echo '=> You can upload the .ipa with Transporter'

When I execute my bash script I have this result: enter image description here


I need to drag and drop my app-ios.ipa to the Transporter app.

enter image description here

Question: can I add an extra param when I open an app?

I want to pass a file as a param, maybe something like this

open /Applications/Transporter.app --file="app-ios.ipa"
  • Did you check with whoever builds/distributes this application whether this is actually possible?
    – nohillside
    Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 13:28
  • It's an official Apple application but I can't find documentation about it Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 13:32


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