I have a standard user account (in Mojave using zsh shell) and based on Gentoo Wiki I have added this to my .zshrc to show a prompt like [user@computer] ~ $

if [[ $UID == 0 ]]; then
   PS1="[%n@%M] %~ # "
   PS1="[%n@%M] %~ $ "

I changed root shell to zsh with sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh but sudo su gives an incorrect (presumably default) prompt unless I re-source my .zshrc:

[hali@A1398] ~ $ sudo su
A1398# echo $PS1
A1398# source .zshrc
[root@A1398] /Users/hali #

Based on sourcing bash profile for root users and What are the practical differences between Bash and Zsh I copied my .zshrc for root to use with cp ~/.zshrc /var/root/

Similarly I also have a hidden admin account set up according to this Apple doc and so su admin also shows its' default prompt unless I also do cp ~/.zshrc /var/admin/

If I copy both it then works as I want - the user(%n) is shown before the computer name(%M):

[hali@A1398] ~ $ sudo cp .zshrc /var/root/
[hali@A1398] ~ $ sudo cp .zshrc /var/admin/
[hali@A1398] ~ $ sudo su
[root@A1398] /Users/hali # su admin
[admin@A1398] /Users/hali $ exit
[root@A1398] /Users/hali # exit
[hali@A1398] ~ $

Is there any way to use one copy of .zshrc for these three accounts to share or somehow automatically keep them in sync as I make further changes to this file?

  • Does sudo su -l fix the issue,in other words, prevent the need to source .zshrc ?
    – fd0
    Commented Feb 19, 2020 at 19:33
  • @fd0 - unfortunately sudo su -l didn't work so I make symlinks for .zshrc and also ran touch /var/root/.histfile as zsh-newuser-install didn't seem to work for root user.
    – lx07
    Commented Feb 20, 2020 at 8:20

2 Answers 2


Use a symlink. It uses the ln command in the terminal

ln -s ~/.zshrc /var/root/.zshrc

You can replace /var/root with whatever you need to. This will create a file named .zsrhc in /var/root that is linked to the original copy in your home directory. Please note that you may need sudo before this if you do not have file permissions.


Zsh will read up to 5 "global" rc files on startup depending on its shell classification, ie. login or non-login, interactive or non-interactive and their content is available to all zsh users. These files are /etc/zshenv, /etc/zprofile, /etc/zshrc, /etc/zlogin, and /etc/zlogout. They are read in conjunction with 5 "dot files", usually found in your home directory .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, .zshlogin, and .zshlogout. In your case, /etc/zshrc would be a good candidate.

You can replace-

if [[ $UID == 0 ]]; then
   PS1="[%n@%M] %~ # "
   PS1="[%n@%M] %~ $ "

with this one line

PROMPT='[%n@%M] %~ %(!.#.$) '

The %(!.#.$) is a conditional statement which reads:

if the shell is privileged (!) then place the text # at the end of the prompt else place a $ at the end of the prompt. (This syntax seems alot like cshsyntax.)


  • Thank you - this answer works very well too. I assumed before trying it that /etc would be protected in Catalina but it seems not. I just need to decide whether to make changes global or not.
    – lx07
    Commented Feb 21, 2020 at 18:48

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