It seems a hard to find an answer to such a simple request: I have a pdf file with 16 pages A4 size. I would like to make a 'spreads' view of it, this means that page 1 and page 16 (cover and backcover) should remain A4 size while all the pages in between should become A3 size.

I tried the following:

  1. Using Preview.app I can display the pdf the way I want but I can't save it for use with any other pdf viewer.

  2. Print to pdf the in between pages with the "multiple pages per sheet" option doesn't work for me because page margins are inserted in between the a4 pages.

I know some a good pdf editor can do this but these tools are expensive and I don't need it for anything else. With Windows I used a simple freeware tool.

Do you know how to do it for Mac?


4 Answers 4


You can try PDFSam. PDFSam stands for PDF Split and Merge. Its a free open source app. There is a Pro version you can buy but the basic version is free.


This should work for you Create PDF Booklet Automator script?

  • I tried this and could not get it to work on Mac OS Sonoma (14.7)
    – Wimateeka
    Commented Nov 2 at 21:27

I had the same problem, and was frustrated I kept getting extra spacing when I already sized my pages correctly. I recently found a free online browser tool that does exactly this!

There is a free online tool, no downloads required, called The Zine Arranger that can help make all sizes of zines/booklets and you can even create customize sizes. This includes a half-size booklet (2 pages per side, fold the page in half).


I have tried it out myself using a PDF of pages I had and it worked like a charm!

I also like that it requires only a browser and files; no need to touch code, the Terminal or Automator.

From https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/476484/331689


PDF24 Tools - Free and easy-to-use online PDF tools. Click "Merge pdf", upload files, and get the result.

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