I have a 2013 Macbook Air that suddenly won't boot.
It was working as of yesterday. I woke up this morning and it wouldn't start. At the time, the Magsafe2 Adapter was not lit up.
My wife has a similar laptop, so I was able to test my adapter on her Mac and her adapter on my Mac. There doesn't seem to be a problem with the adapter itself based on that.
After moving where the adapter is plugged in, I am getting a green light from the Magsafe2 in my MBA, but it doesn't appear to be charging. I tried:
- pressing various keys and moving mouse.
- power button
- doing an SMC reset (doesn't respond in any visible way to ShiftControlOptionPower)
- Leaving it plugged in for a while, etc.
Any suggestions?
There's no fan noise and no probable cause for damage.
To add a further detail, I can get either
- Green light if I switch cables with different mac in a short amount of time.
- Green light if I remove and then reattach the cable in short amounts of time ( approximately 2 minutes or so)
- No light if I leave it unplugged for a bit and mess around with trying to turn it on unplugged for a while
(I don't know if any of this is relevant or should be considered relevant)