I've tried Firebug Lite for Safari, but content wasn't editable. Is there an alternative to edit HTML, CSS, etc?

3 Answers 3


Just enable Show Developer Menu in Safari's Preferences, Advanced tab.


It will enable the option Inspect Element when you right click the page. You can also start it with Command+Option+I.

You can get more info about this option in Safari for Developers - Tools and Safari Web Inspector Guide: The Develop Menu.

  • Yeah, but if I want to see the computed style of a web link, hovering doesn't update the style and clicking the link on the page goes to the link target. How can I show the computed style of a link without Safari instead jumping to the link target?
    – clearlight
    Commented Jan 30, 2019 at 17:36
  • 1
    @clearlight you can use Computed tab: support.apple.com/guide/safari-developer/…
    – denisvm
    Commented Jan 30, 2019 at 17:45

You can edit css by double clicking on the "{" symbol present in the right side css section. Also you can edit the html by removing the firebug plugin and then doing inspect element mode.enter image description here


you can do this with simple steps

in menu bar click on Edit->preference->advance at bottom click the check box true that is for Show develop menu in menu bar now a develop menu is display at menu bar where you can see all develop option and inspect.enter image description here

  • Does not work on current version
    – JGallardo
    Commented Dec 5, 2018 at 3:07

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