find, tar, awk, and sed are not included in coreutils:
brew install coreutils findutils gnu-tar gawk gnu-sed
You can use brew search gnu
to search for other formulas where the name contains gnu
Formulas for other commands that are not installed by default:
brew install ack aspell dos2unix exiftool ffmpeg ghostscript iftop imagemagick lame multimarkdown netcat pandoc parallel pidof poppler pstree recode rename sox ssh-copy-id tmux tree watch wget xmlstarlet
I tried running compgen -c
on Ubuntu and OS X VMs and running this:
comm -23 <(sort ubuntu) <(sort osx) | parallel -P10 brew info {} \> /dev/null 2\>\&1 \&\& echo {} | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '
There were surprisingly few formulas, but the formula names don't always match command names:
_lzma apg arping aspell dash dnsmasq dpkg duplicity enchant fribidi gcc gettext ghostscript gpg gs lesspipe logrotate lzma lzmainfo mawk mtools mtr netcat ntfs-3g pdftohtml pidof pkg-config pstree rename ssh-copy-id unlzma usbmuxd watch wget xz