I recently:
- installed 16 GB of RAM (1600 MHz);
- on my late-2011 15-inch MacBook Pro;
- running OS X 10.7, aka Lion;
- with an Apple SSD drive.
According to Apple my MacBook Pro only supports a maximum of 8 GB at 1333 MHz, but the chipset supports more (both GB and MHz) — but I'm aware that it does not mean it'll actually be compatible with my machine.
The problem:
Whenever I put the laptop to sleep (by closing it), it takes a while, and the fans start spinning very loudly before the computer finally reaches sleep mode.
The reason is likely to be Safe Sleep — but why are the fans going crazy?
Is there something wrong with my Mac?
How do I prevent this without disabling Safe Sleep?
Would updating to OS X 10.8, Mountain Lion, help?