I have an early intel Mac Mini (1,1 Late 2006) that I'm resurrecting for the purposes of a media centre (intend to replace with a modern device when finances allow). This model is furnished with a DVI output, I'm going direct to VGA via DVI-VGA cable. It is giving me a headache because it will not connect at 1080p. Running 10.6.8, fully updated.
I'm getting a huge list of possible resolutions in Display Prefs, each with different freq's, here are the some:
- 1280 x 1024 (displays correctly)
- 1344 x 1008 (no display)
- 1400 x 1050 (displays correctly)
- 1600 x 1200 (displays correctly horizontally, must be scaling vertically)
- 1920 x 1440 (no display)
- 2048 x 1536 (no display)
I've tried using ScreenResX, but when I add a custom resolution of 1080p and restart, the custom resolution is not available "not activated - invalid?". According to tech specs the mini is capable of outputting to 1080p. How can I get this machine to output correctly?
I can successfully output to this LCD TV at 1080p (native res) from:
- Powermac G5 2GHz (directly via DVI->VGA cable)
- Macbook Pro (miniDisplayPort->DVI adaptor, DVI->VGA cable)
Many thanks for any suggestions!