What is the best way to send a video from the iPhone to another iPhone or to a PC - Windows ?

I tried dropbox but it is really slow (probably because of my internet) .. BUMP doesnt send videos, and I tried itunes but it syncs to "Videos" .. I want the video to appear in the camera roll without the need of using iFile from cydia.

Any ideas ?


  • this is about jailbreaking?
    – GEdgar
    Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 19:42

2 Answers 2


If you have a jailbroken device, you can use AirBlue Sharing to send videos over Bluetooth - see here for the developer's description and here for a Lifehacker post about it.


If you are sharing to another iPhone within 10 feet, use the AirDrop feature, which is sent through Bluetooth. If not, select each photo and tap the up arrow in a box at the bottom left corner and choose mail.

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